Tuesday, August 10, 2010


A sweet smile, marked the beginning full of surprise,
A gentle “hello” followed, with blushing eyes
Expecting more, but it was also not futile.
Some chit –chat without a topic 2 discuss ,
Simply speaking out what scholars would consider disgust .
Time passed & a week came 2 an end ,those,
Chit-chats were now more than a game.,
Playing it sincerely was the way we preferred,
Talking our heart out was the theme we preferred,

A friendship bond started to develop, having a question ,
is it the one??
The bond I wanted , the person I needed,
Is she the one??? who can make my heart numb
Whom I can look up in every way, whether it’s the worst or best of my days.
Who will be there too bring me back , when I am lost in the midst of my flaws.
Can she be the special friend , I always wanted 2 stand, holding hands – in – hand.
Will she be there always ??, an answer my teenage wanted…

Then came the bitter part , a fight commenced
No reasons for it , but it seemed with no ends ,
A pain emerged in my li”ll heart, it ached like hell
Looking for an answer worth a tell,
No words were exchanged , a silence followed ..
Time the creator was now the destroyer ,
The friendship which bloomed ,now made me gloomed.
I cursed myself for being so naïve,
A bit of intelligence could have made me do right .

Time again came into force , it flew quite fast but for me it was too slow ,
My phone rang , and a voice was heard (not expecting)
“A whole one year “, was there in between what all I heard,
that voice was the one I longed to hear , but my heart (big now)turned to a deaf ear ,
all what I said was, just a goodbye & no hello – hi’s ….
What I did was right , but somewhere down , a li”ll heart resides
It still longs for the one who touched it right, no matter how much pain it had to hide.
No matter how much pain it had to hide.


  1. beautifully written....
    damn good!!!

  2. :'(......... have nothin else to say.... bcoz many a times actions speak better dan words....

  3. no words 2 say.....so good it is.....!!!!
