Saturday, December 11, 2010


Sweet, simple, cute & kind,
These are the words that come to my mind,
Thinking of your heart which is so pure & white,
My thought of you being an angel seems so right.

Like a burning candle in the darkest of hours,
You light up my way & get me across the bars.
Sunny days or chilly nights,
You are the one who makes me do right.

Having you on my side makes me so strong,
No matter what bad happens it doesn’t stand for long.
The belief you hold in me is so divine,
It doesn’t let me do anything worth crying.

I look up to you in every way,
Your small–small acts make me go ways.
So never stop being the real & wonderful “YOU”,
As god shines through whatever you do.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Love ???

A smile on the face with happiness in grace,

Falling in love is indeed like a fruity glace.

Sweetness preserved to the core of the heart,

Taste profounded even though the lover’s part.

Hopes are gone, dreams shattered,

But the aching heart remains forever….

Falling in love makes you dry,

Losing your soul & having nothing but to cry.

Is it a crime or a blessing in disguise?

Who can answer it in the words of wise?

People say love is a gamble,

Either you win or you are left to ramble.

No matter how you end with a smile or a bend,

One thing is for sure you are definitely in trend!!!!

Saturday, October 16, 2010


Sitting on the couch a thought passed my mind,
Whether she’s fine or not, was the question,
Whose answer I wanted to find.
That innocent look, those pretty eyes,
Dimple cheeks, with a million dollar smile,
That selfless way of doing things that others like,
Or is she encountering the same ordeal of thoughts,
Which made her cry so much last time?

A caring thought just passed by my mind…

A gentle touch of her dovish soul,
Would make you go places where only angels could go.
So innocent, so naïve, is she for real,
Or a fairy tale princess has gotten alive.
Far away from this toxic world,
Far away from the black hearts of this world,
Her little white heart belongs to a different league,
Free from lies, free from greed, it only needs love to breed.

A caring thought just passed by my mind…

Her soothing voice, her sweet-sweet talks,
Her gentle character, her nervous walk,
All in all, a confusion of all sorts.
The little brain with so much to think,
She ends up being her true self in a blink.
Sometimes naughty, titillating others,
Her presence does the trick of astonishing others.
Finding herself is the task, she blubbers,
Not knowing what she has, which makes other look lubber.

A caring thought just passed by my mind,
Whether she’s fine or not, was the question,
Whose answer I wanted to find.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Growing up !!

Despair all around, no smiles to be found,
Gone are the days to merry around.
The gusty winds have lost their galore,
The shining sun has now made us numb.
Memories left, nothing to connect,
Moving ahead with a lot to regret.
This is how we all have become,
A lot to say but words don’t come.

The lushing green fields, the huge grounds,
All are past with nothing to be found.
No merry-go-rounds, no running around,
A lonely room with a noise so profound.
No aching feet, no fight for the jelly,
Just big meals left with no desire in belly.
No more crying, no more friendly relying,
Doing everything on own and friends denying.

No more sharing of thoughts, no more long-long walks,
Busy with a life full of tension and surprise.
No more day dreaming, no more naughty pranks,
This is how life pays us back without saying thanks.
If this is growing up, then I don’t want to grow,
Give me back the life I once used to throw…
Give me back the life I once used to throw…

Monday, October 4, 2010


The absence of your presence
makes me skip a beat every second , :( :(
But still i have many reasons to breathe.
The absence of your smile
makes me gloomy every second,
But still i have many reasons to smile. :) :) :)
The absence of your support
makes me weak every second, :( :(
But still i have many reasons to be strong.
The absence of your care
makes me feel lonely every second,
But still i have many reasons to look ahead.
The absence of your love
shatters me down every second,
But still i have many reasons to live.
The absence of ME in YOU will have many reasons,
but the absence of YOU in ME will never happen ..

A lOVers hope

Till the time there is no sunshine ,
Till the time the stars shine ,
Till the time the sweetest dreams don't arrive ,
Till the time your love is just mine ,
Till the time you accept me as your lover divine,
I won't let the morning come,
and, break my hopes of having you in my arms tonight...

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


A sweet smile, marked the beginning full of surprise,
A gentle “hello” followed, with blushing eyes
Expecting more, but it was also not futile.
Some chit –chat without a topic 2 discuss ,
Simply speaking out what scholars would consider disgust .
Time passed & a week came 2 an end ,those,
Chit-chats were now more than a game.,
Playing it sincerely was the way we preferred,
Talking our heart out was the theme we preferred,

A friendship bond started to develop, having a question ,
is it the one??
The bond I wanted , the person I needed,
Is she the one??? who can make my heart numb
Whom I can look up in every way, whether it’s the worst or best of my days.
Who will be there too bring me back , when I am lost in the midst of my flaws.
Can she be the special friend , I always wanted 2 stand, holding hands – in – hand.
Will she be there always ??, an answer my teenage wanted…

Then came the bitter part , a fight commenced
No reasons for it , but it seemed with no ends ,
A pain emerged in my li”ll heart, it ached like hell
Looking for an answer worth a tell,
No words were exchanged , a silence followed ..
Time the creator was now the destroyer ,
The friendship which bloomed ,now made me gloomed.
I cursed myself for being so naïve,
A bit of intelligence could have made me do right .

Time again came into force , it flew quite fast but for me it was too slow ,
My phone rang , and a voice was heard (not expecting)
“A whole one year “, was there in between what all I heard,
that voice was the one I longed to hear , but my heart (big now)turned to a deaf ear ,
all what I said was, just a goodbye & no hello – hi’s ….
What I did was right , but somewhere down , a li”ll heart resides
It still longs for the one who touched it right, no matter how much pain it had to hide.
No matter how much pain it had to hide.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


A never ending sight of my friends hearty smiles,

A warm hug taking me to places wide,across

The valley of gloom & despair, with a promise , that ,

I am always here..

Silly pranks & non-stop talks ,who can forget those long-long walks,

Aching feet & tanning skin, empty belly wishing for some jelly ,

Constant calls asking,” where have u been ?”, a lie in reply

“Mom , just at the park, busy site-seeing.”

A fight in the neighborhood or a quarrel among few,

Just a thought away , “I” always find “U”,

Facing my woe’s or celebrating my joy’s ,

The first name I go through is just u …

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)


Have so many feeling’s to share ,
But always end with words which are not spare ,
My thought’s , my belief’s , my mind & soul
All go together but still no use .

Feelings for one I care are absolutely indispensable
They keep on echoing n ma minds sphere
With a little hustle-bustle of every day’s job
The one whom I love never escapes my thought
Is it love ? or my mind’
s gone too far
A simple friendship or something special waiting in the box?
Am I right ?? or is it another one of confucius’s thought ??

So many questions , so many answers , but what is right ??
Another question .. :) !! my feelings are true , but
What do they mean ?? am I getting too emo with it ??
Or is it really true , what I am feeling is for real ?,or ,
Another one of my questions, with no sure answer’s ,
But raising many questions for sure …